Category Archives: Technical

Some of this computer stuff is hard! Who’s idea was that? Just like you I’m just trying to find my way through the maze of it all. This might help.

Install Python module earthpy on Windows

I encountered numerous errors when I attempted to install the earthpy Python module and here’s how I eventually got it to work:

pip install wheel
pip install pipwin

pipwin install numpy
pipwin install pandas
pipwin install shapely
pipwin install gdal
pipwin install seaborn
pipwin install fiona
pipwin install pyproj
pipwin install rasterio

pip install earthpy

NOTE: both pip and pipwin are used.

Continue reading Install Python module earthpy on Windows

Hide “related” articles on Facebook

Facebook has (not that) recently added the “related” articles feature which displays extra links beneath a News Feed story when you click a link in that story.

I can’t stand it as it changes the length of the page and makes me lose where I was in the page.

Disable this behaviour with Adblock by adding these filters:[data-ownerid^="u_jsonp"][data-ownerid^="u_ps"]

Continue reading Hide “related” articles on Facebook

Firefox unable to “permanently store this exception”

When visiting sites over HTTPS that use a self-signed or expired certificate Firefox will stop dead in it’s tracks with a “This Connection is Untrusted” message. Annoying but necessary given the web-savviness of the majority of net denizens nowadays.

On occasion when clicking “Add Exception…” the option to “permanently store this exception” will be greyed out. Very annoying. Especially when it’s my test server and I created the self-signed cert and I KNOW it’s not valid.

The Solution

The only reliable solution I’ve found is to delete (part of?) Firefox’s certificate database. The file (on Windows 7/Vista) is:


Note, you will have to quit FF first. Annoying.

Note to self: try and find a HTTPFox clone for Chrome so I can finally free myself from this awful browser.

Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions in CentOS4

This one frustrated me enough that I have to post the solution.

At work we run RHEL4 on our production servers but with limited licences I decided to try CentOS4 for testing. I’d been mucking around with VirtualBox and as my test hardware had died I decided to try it.

When it came to installing the Guest Additions I hit a roadblock. I followed the instructions for installing the headers:

yum install kernel-devel

…but that wasn’t working. I was still getting:

Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel.

The trick is to create the default symbolic link to the header files:

ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-92.1.18.el5-i686 /usr/src/linux

Problem solved by jeffreywt on the VirtualBox Forums.

Using the Flash ‘Nested Ojects’ method in ASP pages

Occasionally I want to use Flash on a web page. Tragic, but true. I’ve been looking for an accessible, valid method for doing this. There are few candidates. I settled on the ‘Nested Objects’ method. It seemed quick, painless and didn’t require javascript. But there was a hitch…

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0139' 
Nested Object 
An object tag cannot be placed inside another object tag.  

IIS’s ASP interpreter wouldn’t pass the page with nested <object> tags. Continue reading Using the Flash ‘Nested Ojects’ method in ASP pages